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Choosing the right shared office space isn’t just about location – it’s about finding a space that offers the amenities you need to stay productive, professional, and comfortable. Before committing to a workspace, here are the key features to look for to ensure you’re getting the most value for your money.

Furnished Spaces for Instant Productivity

A fully furnished office saves you the hassle and expense of buying desks, chairs, and other essentials. With a move-in-ready space, you can start working right away without the added stress of setting up an office from scratch.

All-Inclusive Rent for Easy Budgeting

One of the biggest advantages of a shared office is the ability to budget with confidence. Look for spaces that include utilities, internet, and maintenance in the monthly rent. This eliminates surprise costs and makes financial planning easier for your business.

On-Site Management to Keep Things Running Smoothly

An office should be a place where you can focus on your work – not potential issues. On-site management handles everything from keeping common areas clean to resolving any problems that may arise, ensuring that your workspace remains professional and functional.

Mail and Package Handling for Convenience

A shared office with mail and package handling means you don’t have to worry about missing deliveries or picking up mail elsewhere. This service ensures that important documents and packages are received and stored securely until you’re ready to pick them up.

Professional Receptionists for a Polished Image

First impressions matter! A professional receptionist can greet your guests, making your business look polished and established. Some offices even offer call answering services. Having a receptionist to answer your company’s calls in your business name enhances your professional image.

Networked Copiers for Printing, Scanning, and Copying

High-quality copiers, scanners, and printers are essential for any business. However, purchasing this equipment can be expensive. Many shared office spaces offer networked copiers with a pay-per-page model, giving you access to top-tier machines at a fraction of the cost.

24/7 Access and Climate Control for Flexibility

If you work odd hours or need flexibility, 24/7 access is a must-have amenity. Additionally, many office spaces do not offer 24/7 climate control, which can lead to uncomfortable conditions after hours. A workspace that keeps the temperature stable ensures a comfortable and productive environment at all times.

Access to Meeting Rooms and Break Areas

A good shared office space should also provide access to conference rooms for client meetings and private discussions. Break areas with complimentary coffee and tea can help keep you refreshed throughout the workday.

Find All These Amenities at Executive Office Link!

At Executive Office Link, we offer all of these amenities and more! Our fully furnished offices, all-inclusive rent, on-site management, mail handling, professional receptionists, top-tier copiers, 24/7 access, and climate-controlled spaces provide everything you need to work efficiently. Schedule a tour today and see why our shared office space is the perfect fit for your business!


Serving individuals and businesses in the Ardmore, Berwyn, Broomall, Chester, Chesterbrook, Collegeville, Devon, Downingtown, Drexel Hill, East Norriton, Eagleville, Exton, King of Prussia, Lansdowne, Limerick, Malvern, Norristown, Oaks, Phoenixville, Royersford, Spring City, Springfield, Trappe, Valley Forge, West Chester, West Goshen, West Norriton, Woodlyn, and Yeadon areas for over 40 years!