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office with a desk and table“Shared” office space doesn’t mean you’re sharing an office with people you don’t know. It is a work environment where various companies share a single facility managed by a common landlord. In this setup, businesses enjoy flexible office solutions, amenities, and networking opportunities without sharing individual offices.


Shared spaces provide access to amenities and a professional setting without the commitment and overhead of a traditional office lease, fostering networking and productivity.


Shared office spaces can be beneficial for a variety of companies and individuals, including:


  • Startups: Startups often have limited resources and need a flexible, cost-effective workspace. Shared office spaces can provide startups with an affordable professional space and environment.
  • Freelancers and solopreneurs: Freelancers and solopreneurs often work from home, but distractions and available space often make that difficult. Many people prefer to keep their work and home lives separate. Shared office spaces can provide a reliable, distraction-free environment with access to office amenities like meeting rooms and receptionist service.
  • Small businesses: Small businesses with a few employees may find shared office spaces to be a more affordable alternative to leasing traditional office space. Flexible lease terms and having the option to expand space as needed is a terrific benefit to small businesses.
  • Remote workers: Remote workers may need a physical workspace for occasional meetings or to get away from the distractions of working from home. Shared office spaces can provide remote workers with an as-needed professional environment to work with access to many essential amenities.
  • Large companies: Many companies have terminated their long-term leases, and now have employees that work exclusively from home. A shared office space is a terrific alternative to traditional space, allowing employees to access space at an established location without the overhead costs or commitments of traditional leases.


Overall, shared office spaces can be a great solution for individuals or companies that value flexibility, affordability, and access to essential amenities and networking opportunities. Give us a call today at 610-251-6850 to see how Executive Office Link can help you with your office needs! Your success is our success!